Friday, March 21, 2014

SAINT GEORGE PRESENTATION BY: gerardrv and dani_de_santa


Once upon a time, the town of Montblanc was devastated by a fierce and terrible monster that could walk, fly and swim, and had a stinky breath so that from afar with their breath poisoned the air and produced death to all who breathed.

The monster ravaged people, and terror reigned throughout that area deeper. Concerned about the situation, the people of Montblanc thought about giving the dragon every day to eat a person, trying to calm him down. The problem was to find the person who wants to sacrifice every day to be devoured by the dragon.

And so it was that after a long discussion, the villagers decided to draw every day who would be the person who would stop at the stomach of the dragon . And so they did , and it seems that the move went well, the abominable beast it would have felt satisfied to stop mischief and wreak havoc on the land.

But here one day, then lucky you touched was eaten in the king's daughter. The young princess was very nice, kind and elegant. He had stolen the heart of all citizens, and therefore hundreds offered to replace it. But the king, suffering and pain, and severe was right, his daughter was like any other. If he had touched had to go.

And so it was that the young girl went to the castle to meet the beast while the whole village looked disconsolate and afflicted, as the princess was heading to slaughter. But while the girl was heading down the monster, a young knight with shining armor, mounted on a white horse appeared. The girl looked at him and warned:

- Escape! quickly fled here! Noble knight, if you stay here, you will only see you and the beast will devour.

The young gentleman looked at her and replied:

- Do not worry young donzella. I'm here because I came specifically . I came from far away to protect you and release your people from this beast.

He did not have time to say why, but suddenly came the beast, to the horror of the Princess and the joy of riding. Began a brief but intense fight, until the gentleman gave him a good blow with his lance, which he left wounded in the terrible beast and killed. Blood that flowed in quickly arose a rose with red roses more than the princess had ever seen rose from the young knight cut a rose and offered him the princess.


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